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A logo is not a brand. A brand is a result–it’s a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or company.
Chris Do
Here is the Foundation work of your brand. This is something I personally used to help figure out my brand message, values, and mission statement.
Before diving into your target audience and where to find them. Let’s take a moment and figure out who YOUR BRAND is and stands for. It comes down to the classic line of what will people say about you at your Eulogy. I know that’s grim but hey, the reality is what others say about you comes down to how you display and live by your Brand’s VALUES.
Let me start off by saying I am not an expert or someone who has made it. I’m just a guy who is one chapter ahead sharing what he has learned along the way. This for sure comes from the influence of repeatedly watching the film Catch Me If You Can.
Let’s Dive In 🤿
“Be a Creator, Not a Consumer”
1. What Do You Stand For?
The first thing you will want to think about when it comes to your brand is what does it stand for. Take a few minutes to think deeply about how do you want people to describe your brand when they speak to friends.
Here is an example of mine:
2. What Are Your Values?
When it comes to values, this is what helps you figure out how your brand will act and navigate the world. If I say soldier you will most likely think about honour, respect, strength, protection, and live by a code.
Here is an example of mine:
3. Vision & Mission Statement
Here we want to take time to think about and write out a few examples of your vision & Mission statement. Linked below is a resource so you can dive deeper into the process of how to write them both.
A TLDR for you.
A Vision Statement:
A vision statement can be between one line and several paragraphs long. It provides direction and inspiration for your brand. It sets out your most important goals but doesn’t include a practical plan to achieve those goals.
A Mission Statement:
The phrase “mission statement” has many different meanings depending on who you ask. For our purposes, a mission statement is a few short sentences or paragraphs outlining what your brand does to achieve its vision statement.
Here are my examples of both:
Here is the link to help you dive in deeper on both.
4. Questions to Dive Deeper
In this section, you will go over the who, what, and how your brand will affect people. This is a quick sample of you figuring out your target audience. The reason being we want just enough information to get shit done. Later you can dive in deep and create different Client Avatars. For now, we want just enough information to get started.
Take time and think deeply about the following. Just below you can find my examples
- Who does your brand/business help?
- What’s the purpose of your brand/business?
- How do you want to make the world a better place with your brand/business?
- What problems does your brand/business solve?
- What’s your ultimate aim for your brand/business?
Here are my answers:
There you have it BABAY!!!
I am sure you noticed how I kept talking about your brand as a person. That is on purpose as you will want to think of it as a person and the way it makes people feel.
You will have also noticed I didn’t mention anything about colours and font type, to be honest, if you are at this stage. Nice colours will not outweigh amazing customer service. Let’s keep your focus on what is important.
Now that you have your brand figured out, it is time to create content. You will need to come up with multiple content ideas to help your brand grow.
Peace Out Family. ✌🏿